You Steer Where You Stare with Jennifer Hubbard
Jennifer Hubbard is an
award-winning writer with Magnificat and
guest on various national television shows
Enjoy her presentation on Oct. 1 with your friends and neighbors at this special event at the Mothers’ Shrine! Seating is limited; table reservations are available.
Jennifer Hubbard has endured the ultimate crucible for any parent: the violent death of her six-year-old daughter. She’ll share how she has turned that tragedy into hope and tools to help each of us handle our own struggles and losses.
In a recent interview, Hubbard spoke of how those who encounter suffering can “have the freedom and the obligation to move forward in their life and live it with purpose and passion.” Her presentation will testify to how she has embraced that freedom and obligation to find purpose and passion in her own life.
Hubbard is the president and executive director of the Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary, which she founded in memory of her daughter who died in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. In addition to being an award-winning writer with Magnificat, she is a national Catholic speaker and retreat leader. Hubbard has been a guest on a variety of national television shows, including Today, CBS News, and ABC News, and featured programming with EWTN.
Luncheon tickets are $50 and will provide support to The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church.
Purchase Jennifer’s book and receive her autograph. Books can be purchased at the the luncheon for $15 and later in the Shrine book store.
HOW TO REGISTER – Scroll down to complete your registration and to purchase a ticket and a book, online. For paying with check or cash at the door, please call or text Terri Lynn, Director of Development at 913-634-4567 or email Reserve a table of eight and tickets are $25 each. Religious and clergy are free.
Oct. 1
11 am: Check-in, book signing, and social
11:30 am: Lunch
12:00 pm: Presentation
12:45 pm: Unveiling of Jennifer’s name on the Mothers’ Wall of Life
The book jacket of Finding Sanctuary and a book review.
Contact Terri Lynn, Director of Development by texting or calling 913-634-4567 or