Immaculate Heart of Mary Pilgrimage
Please join us in welcoming Felicia Anunoby to The Mothers’ Shrine for a Pilgrimage on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, June 17, 2023!
We will spend the day with Felicia, St. Peter Catholic Church parishioner and native of Nigeria, who will share her experience of heaven on earth. Felicia attributes her experiences to a providential discovery of a prayer card, “In The End My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph,” which led her to the 33 day Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This experience became one of the greatest transformations of her life in learning to be obedient and to surrender to the will of God for her life even when it doesn’t make any sense.
I would have fallen by the way side without these prayer group members who have stood by my side through all these experiences and have become beacons of light in times of darkness in a scary and lonely world.
Felicia Anunoby
Find the complete schedule for our event by clicking here.
Although the Pilgrimage is offered at no charge, we kindly ask for your RSVP by June 14 either using this online form or emailing Donations are gladly accepted.